Veterinary Reports

The 2011 Lusitano Collection® Horses have passed a series of stringent veterinary examination procedures, at regular intervals throughout the selection and screening process, which to our knowledge are not in place at any other elite sport horse auction in the world.

The examination tests included but were not limited to the following:

1. Whole horse musculo-skeletal palpation and examination;

2. Examination of gait in hand

3. Examination of gait during ridden work

4. Examination of gait on lunge line

5. Neurologic assessment

6. Flexion tests

7. Radiographic examination of all 4 limbs

8. Cardiac auscultation

9. Respiratory auscultation

10. Biomechanics evaluation

11. Hoof examination

12. Piroplasmosis and Coggins testing

The vets will be present at the auction to answer any questions. We encourage buyers to arrange a private consultation with the veterinarians prior to the Sale. All Collection Horses have had the benefit of preventive sports medicine evaluations.

X-Ray Examination: Radiographs of all horses have been taken by the veterinarian Dr. Gabriel Mott, renowned as one of the most specialized radiological veterinary practices in Brazil. This full radiographic series on each horse has also been interpreted and reviewed by United States certified and awarded veterinarians Dr. Robert Boswell and Dr. Naomi Katzowitz.

The team responsible for vetting and assessment of the auction horses are as follows:

Buyers will be able to view veterinarian records for participating horses including most recent x-rays and tests. For more information on the tryouts, please click here.